Sunday 25 November 2012

The most important character of a journalist is that they must able to know how to write news in Inverted Pyramid form. An Inverted Pyramid is a type of story form that a journalist would use to write a news writing. The most important information will be mention first before the others which is the summary lead, follow by the important information which will be the attribution, then the less and least important information which covers the details of any information. 

Earthquake hits Aluetian Islands

Alaska: A 6.6 earthquake stroke Aluetian Islands at 7:01 p.m., PST on Sunday night.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located 40 miles East of Nikolski and 850 miles Southwest of Anchorage of the Aluetian Island on the North Pacific, said Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, who measured the earthquake at magnitude of 6.6.

The official mentioned, there are 20 aftershocks and one of the aftershocks was measured at magnitude 5.0 and none was powerful enough to cause tsunami.

The quake felt strongly in the towns of Unalaska, Dutch Harbor, and Nikolski, said George Carts, seismologist of Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. He added, "There was some minor damaged at Nikolski which items knocked off shelves and small items damaged."

Aluetian Islands were sparsely settled and no reports of injuries or major damages in any of the villages.

Malaysia Green Forum 2010

Putrajaya: Malaysia Green Forum is official launch on the April 26 to reiterate government's resounding commitment towards environmental sustainability in the country.

"I would like to recognize the critical conribution by Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for bringing together 14 agencies from 4 different ministries when he established the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2004 that paved the way for a more comprehensive and cohesive approach in tackling environmental issues." said Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak.

The aim of the MGF2010 is to establishing an action-oriented network that deals with environmental issues in a holistic manner by come up with creative, innovative and pragmatic solutions to the green issues which the Malaysia face today.

The Ministry stated that the government has consistently affirmed its commitment to environmental sustainability by launching the National Green Technology Policy after the formation of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water to takes cognizance of the growing need and urgency of green technology towards sustainable development. The National Green Technology Center also came to being through a restructuring exercise of the Malaysia Energy Center.

MGF2012 has drawn the participation of senior government officials, industry captains, society leaders and academic experts from within and outside the country. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for an informative post Ling. I am currently preparing a presentation on different ways to write and that's how landed on your blog. Your illustrations about inverted pyramid of writing were good and explanatory. keep up the good work.
